Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Laurel Falls ~ Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Today I went into Great Smoky Mountains National Park at the Tennessee side, which I had never seen.  It is dramatically different than the North Carolina side.  The first stop was a hike up to Laurel Falls.

The colors are fading fast, but still beautiful in some places. 

Ha, ha, ha!  Here's what is not going to happen; I won't be hiking the 12 MILES to reach the Appalachian Trail.  What I will do instead, is drive over to it - then hike it!!

Yes!  More my style - 1.3 miles! 

Too bad you actually have to tell people to watch their kids!

This was a perfect hike - a little uphill and a nice paved pathway!

I was afraid that THIS trickle was the waterfall! 

Beautiful trees all along the shady pathway

Finally, I reached the Falls!

Me enjoying this pretty day in a national park! 

Cheap gas in  Tennessee!!!