Tuesday, November 8, 2011

High Falls (Dupont State Forest, NC)

Today I took a hike in Dupont State Forest up to High Falls.  There are several falls in this area.  Each one is more beautiful than the next.  It was a magnificent day to be outside and enjoying the fresh air and gorgeous surroundings!

It's a very easy hike to the waterfall.  It's about a half mile to a covered bridge, then another half mile to the waterfall - very easy.

The trails are very clearly marked.

After a nice stroll, you come upon this beautiful covered bridge.  It actually sits on top of the waterfall; you can't see the waterfall, but you can see the river below you.  What a view!!

The part where it goes over is the top of the waterfall.

I love covered bridges.  Actually, I love all bridges!

The river below.

Me just soaking up all this beauty!

Next, I hit the trail again to continue up to High Falls.

Again, very easy trail. 

This is just a beautiful State Forest.  There's so many trails, picnic areas -- lots to do.  There was a classroom of kids out hiking.   It was nice to see kids outside taking advantage of the beauty they are surrounded by.

I have to get my bird book out to identify these little birds.  They were all over the place.  This man told me they were Indigo Buntings; but, I'm not too sure about that - in fact, pretty sure they are not.  It looks like an Eastern Bluebird to me.  They were swift and wouldn't stand still for a good photo!

This was a different kind of little bird, and I don't even have a guess as to what it is.  I couldn't get a good enough look at it.

This, I absolutely can identify - a dog!

Continuing on the trail to the waterfall. 
Being out here makes me happy!

Pretty scenery along the way.

This is a nice shelter where you get a spectacular of the waterfall. 

A pathway leads you down closer to the waterfall.


You can see the covered bridge at the top of the fall from here. 

Could I possibly be any more narcissistic??? 

Some pretty stuff!